Who we are
We are a group of technical writers, independent collaborators and organizations who work on web documentation projects according to our charter.
Estelle Weyl
Estelle is a Sr. Technical Writer and Developer Advocate on the open web docs team. She is a front end engineer with 20-years of CSS, JS and HTML experience, Estelle has always been a web standardista, advocating for a free, accessible, and performant web. Estelle has been documenting and teaching web standards since 2007, writing numerous books, blogs, and tutorials. She’s typing with her cat and dogs in San Francisco.
Florian Scholz
Florian is the Director of Open Web Docs. He began volunteer editing MDN as a teen in 2009 and previously worked at Mozilla as MDN's Lead Content Strategist, Technical Writer & Documentation Engineer from 2013 until 2020. He's one of the creators of the browser compatibility data (BCD) project and it makes him happy when open source projects collaborate. He lives in Bremen, Germany; not Berlin. Other than submitting and reviewing PRs on GitHub, he enjoys listening to wave and post-punk music.
Queen Vinyl Da.i'gyu-Kazotetsu
Vinyl is a contractor working for both Mozilla and Open Web Docs, leading the browser compatibility data (BCD) project that millions of developers around the world rely on. Previously a contractor at Google and a long-time BCD community member, Vinyl has a lot of experience with compatibility on the open web. She was already the number #1 contributor to the BCD repository before officially joining our team! She may be on European time, but she’s typing from Portland.
Will Bamberg
Will Bamberg is a Sr. Technical Writer. He previously worked on MDN at Mozilla, where he wrote and maintained docs for the Firefox Devtools and the WebExtensions APIs, and led the project to add interactive examples to MDN's reference docs. He is helping make web documentation more consistent, coherent, and approachable from Vancouver, BC.
Governing Committee
Our Governing Committee administers the financial sponsorships made via Open Collective, and explores strategic partnerships and needs for web documentation projects. Governing Committee members are representatives of organizations sponsoring at the Platinum level, elected representatives from the Gold membership level, and OWD’s Director.
- Igalia
- Microsoft Edge
In addition, the following individuals are advisory members on the OWD governing committee:
- Daniel Appelquist (Volunteer)
- Dominique Hazael-Massieux (W3C)
- Jory Burson (Volunteer)
Steering Committee
Our Steering Committee develops and implements shared public roadmaps for key documentation priorities, and facilitates community involvement and execution of those priorities. Steering Committee members are invited on the basis of their expertise and perspective, and represent a mix of individual developers, standards developing organizations, non-sponsoring organizations, and other key stakeholders.
Our Steering Committee includes representatives from the following organizations:
- Apple
- Microsoft Edge
- Canva
- Igalia
- Mozilla
- Samsung Internet
- W3C
Members emeriti
- Jean-Yves Perrier was part of Open Web Docs as a full-time Sr. Technical Writer from August 2021 until August 2024.